Supporters and Sponsors Write
Kim Pickin, Chief Executive, The Story Museum
- The Story Museum exists to inspire learning through story - as stories are so essential for developing children's language, reasoning, imagination and empathy. We are very pleased to be associated with Kids Lit Quiz which celebrates the richness of children's literature and encourages reading for pleasure.
Cllr Keith R Mitchell CBE, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council
- Call me old-fashioned but I think reading and books are hugely important. This importance is not diminished by the internet age; I think it is enhanced. I was brought up by parents who always had books in the house and who read to me and encouraged me to read for myself from an early age. I have always loved reading and, although my present role puts great pressure on my free time, I always have two or three books "on the go" at any one time and hundreds more to read when time permits. I am lucky to have had that start. Not everyone has that good fortune and pressures like texting, poor quality media output and the red top newspapers all require countering by promoting literature positively. The Kids' Lit competition is a wonderful opportunity to promote the enjoyment and value of reading through schools and therefore reaching children from every background.
Joy Dye, Waterstones Bookseller
- Amazingly well put together, really impressed with the way the questions were pitched. I'd be glad to come again with stock.